Wednesday, August 30, 2006

BWCA Water

Due to a busy day I'm just going to share a few more photos from the BWCA.


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Removed From Regular Life

I’ve been trying to figure out all day what to say about the Boundary Waters. I haven’t come up with anything profound, insightful or witty. However, I’ve decided this is okay. I’m not going to try and wax eloquently about the stars in the sky, the loon calls in the night or the seemingly never-ending nature. Instead, it has taken a good day or so back in my regular life to realize what I really got out of this trip. I truly relaxed and let go of so many thoughts and issues for four days. I’ve been on vacation before, but I’ve never really let everything go like this. It could easily be I didn’t have quite as much running around in my head prior to those vacations. But I do think being in such a calm, beautiful place with a group of people I’m completely comfortable with helped me withdraw myself from my usual life, routines, worries and obsessions. A slightly different side of me even came out. I was chipper in the morning (much to a couple people’s chagrin) and I had no make up or hair products (and the toenail polish chipped…). When we all met to take off for the trip one of my friends even commented on my outfit of shorts and a t-shirt with some surprise. But now I've showered (although I swear my hair still smells like a camp fire), put on a skirt and touched up the toenail polish. I'm back to the routines, worries and obsessions but I'm appreciating my vacation a little bit more.

I went for a fairly long run before leaving Thursday and picked up running again today. I didn't think four days off would matter too much and I even expected to be rejuvinated, but today was a bit of a rough run. I think part of it was running in the direct sun, but some may have been my incorrect expectations of an easy run. It took off a little too quickly and it teaches me to run to how I feel, not to how I expect I should feel.

Monday, August 28, 2006

Back From the BWCA

I'm back from my trip to the BWCA. I'm not sure if I want to write about the amazing night sky, the pain (yet accomplishment) of double packing on a portage, the camaraderie of our group, the scurrying animals on my night trip to the outdoor bathroom, or the mesmerizing campfires. So, for now, a few photos:

The shoreline at our campsite

A spider web at our campsite

Our fearless leader

Talk about cross training. Not only did the portages work my legs, but the extra few trips up and down a lake because we were lost worked my arms and core nicely.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Packed for the BWCA

I'm packed. I'm ready to go. I think. I leave tomorrow for the Boundary Waters for five days and I don't think I’ve ever packed so little in clothing and toiletries for a vacation. There are somewhere around 200,000 visitors to the Boundary Waters every year. I wonder how many of them make sure they have fresh toenail polish. I did.

I did get to go for a 5 mile run yesterday evening. I took off from my gym downtown, which I have never done before because I have been concerned about the number of stoplights before reaching the signal-free River Road area. I just don’t really like stopping during my runs. It was late enough in the evening so there wasn't much traffic and I seem to be getting down the art of weaving through streets based on walk signals.
It was a little refreshing to add a downtown stretch to my run. The scenery and people I passed while running through downtown were in contrast to the rest of my run by the river. The people I crossed paths with were not generally people out to get exercise or to enjoy the weather. They seemed to either have a solid destination or were simply loitering with no destination at all. Rather than an out of breath nod like those I’ve frequently received from other runners, these people were either indifferent or observing me as brief entertainment. Of course, I guess I was doing the same.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Dress Up Day

Today important enough visitors were at my work such that we were all requested to dress in business casual attire. We really don’t have any dress code so people are usually pretty relaxed, yet rarely inappropriate. Largely just because I have fun with fashion and clothing I didn’t look any different today than I do most days. However, I work in technology. Most of my direct coworkers usually have the jeans, t-shirt and flip-flops uniform on. I did enjoy seeing people a bit dressed up today whom I imagined never to own a pair of khakis (one co-worker did claim his were borrowed). The Pioneer Press had an article a few weeks ago about dress codes in the work place. Some of the rules described in the article I would even have a hard time with (no jeans? no casual sandals?). Knowing the pain a few of my co-workers went through to find pants or a button up shirt today makes me think they couldn’t handle it either. If our visitors thought we looked sharp today, they'd get a shock tomorrow. I’m sure I won’t be the only one donning jeans. And I'm wearing casual sandals for sure (just not pink).

I'm looking forward to an evening run before I play volleyball. Again, I just couldn't get up early enough to run in the morning. I have to work in some mileage before I'm gone for the BWCA for a few days.

Monday, August 21, 2006

A City Is A City

I only had my nieces and nephew for the day Friday and they also ended up leaving a little earlier than expected because my sister came down with strep. Ouch. After we took my sister to urgent care, we left her resting and I entertained the kids by taking them to the duck pond and to the Children’s Museum. This took much of the day and by the time we returned to my home, we only had enough time to eat a little dinner before we all met up with my brother-in-law. My nephew was very disappointed.

Josh: “But Aunt RR, I didn’t get to spend hardly anytime at your house!”
RR: “I know, but I got to take you around my city!”
Josh: “A city is a city.”

I’m not sure that my condo is that exciting, but I understand my nephew not being concerned about what a city has to offer. He isn’t thinking about what city he is in – he’s just at his aunt’s and he isn’t ready to leave. I, on the other hand, am frequently thinking about the city I live in and what I can do with it. I want to know what the entertainment is even if I don’t always attend. I want to know some of the fun facts (like the bundt pan was invented in Minnesota) that make my home unique. I may not always be here, but I live here now and I’m going to explore here.

I bought $8 running socks yesterday. A few years ago I wouldn't have known the difference between a regular pair of socks and running socks. And I wouldn't have paid $8. I no longer run in regular socks and am frequently low on running socks so it seemed natural to pick up a pair while I was in a store that carried them. Running is dulling my bargain shopping skills.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Feeding The Ducks

I had my sister's three kids for the day yesterday. While brainstorming of ways to entertain them, my friend Jo mentioned the duck pond at St. Kate's in St. Paul. It's amazing how tame these ducks are. Once I convinced my nephew to stop chasing them, the ducks wandered right up to us and we had a great time feeding them.

I was able to do a 6.5 mile run this morning without any knee problems. Since I wasn't feeling much pain and it was great running weather, I was able to pay more attention to my surrondings this morning. One of my favorite parts of running on the Greenway is Vera's Garden. This is such a well kept, thriving garden that even though I'm just running by it still seems to have a calming effect. It helps too that I use this garden on my way back as a landmark for being close to finishing my run when I run past. Very calming.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wrong Turn

I met my neighbor's parents tonight as they passed through Minneapolis on a driving trip. I learned they keep diaries of all their trips and in fact were rereading a diary from a trip back in 1995 on their way here. As they were driving through Wisconsin, my neighbor’s mother, appointed navigator, missed that they were driving north to Canada instead of west to Minnesota because she was engrossed in the 1995 diary. Rather than get upset, she commented that she would be sure and write about the event in this trip's diary. I think it's a wonderful idea to keep this sort of diary so these fun details can be remembered. A blog may not function quite like a diary, but I hope I can occasionally provide something that may cause enough distraction for a wrong turn or two.

I am watching my neices and nephew tomorrow so that may provide enough running for a day or two.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Pink Shoes

My favorite pair of pink shoes broke. In fact, they are my only pair of pink shoes. I have to go shopping.

Speaking of shoes, I think I am due for another pair of running shoes soon. Last year I found a pair of Asics I like. I eventually bought a second pair and started rotating them. I then found a deal and bought a third pair. It seems that most websites, magazines, etc suggest running shoes should last 300 - 500 miles. Since I could feel a difference between the original pair with 275 miles on them and the new pair with 50 miles, I hung up the original pair. I just noticed I now have 250 miles on the second pair of shoes. The other pair has about 150. I’m not sure I’ll find the same shoe again and I’m not sure I should rotate in something different. I never quite realized there could be such conundrums about running gear.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Thoughtful Gesture

Friends of mine stopped over on Sunday and brought me a bouquet of flowers from the farmer's market. I seemed to be a little off over the weekend so it was a well-timed, thoughtful gesture.

I got out for a 4 mile run at noon today. My knee seemed ok, but at 78˚F it was too warm for me. I did realize that a month ago I wouldn’t have even considered going outside at this temperature. I’ve either acclimated or the 90 – 100˚F temperatures lately have made upper 70s seem comfortable.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Charlie Parr

This weekend I made my way to the Pizza Luce Block Party with a goal. To hear Charlie Parr. I discovered this folk and Piedmont-style blues guitarist from Duluth through a coworker of mine about 6 months ago. Part of what draws me to Charlie Parr is his completely unassuming appearance with his tractor-style cap, flannel shirt and untied work boots. His sound feels somewhat unabahsed and telling. Turnpike has a great series of interviews with him along with video of him playing.

I did go for a 5 mile run this weekend with some amount of success. I know I wasn't too speedy, but my knee didn't feel any different afterwards than before I went for the run. The only problem is I know I'm off on my mileage now for the intermediate program I had hoped to somewhat follow.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Happy Birthday, Mall of America

On this date back in 1992 the Mall of America opened. I really don't frequent this imposing establishment. There are only a few stores I really care to make the trip for and I also find parking annoying. I have at least solved my parking aversion by taking LRT. The number of people that can flood the MOA during the holidays is unappealing and it just can’t be used for a quick shopping trip. The MOA may not be my fondest tourist attraction of the Twin Cities, but I’ll at leave give up a Happy Birthday. It does bring in some people who may not otherwise visit Minnesota and it really is a good people-watching venue.

My knee almost feels completely normal. It was suggested to me that I continue to ice my knees every time I run as a preventative measure. If something in my knee is irritated, the initial swelling may be unnoticeable, but it can build on itself and enhance that initial irritation. This seems to make sense, but it also seems that I shouldn’t be developing an icing habit for at least another 10 years!

Thursday, August 10, 2006


I’m a talker. Some of my friends give me a hard time about this and I think other friends enjoy it. I like to think of it as a charm. This charm, however, surely needs development. My friend George is a talker, but he’s a conversationalist. He enjoys talking to people and truly is interested. I do strive towards this (when I think to), but it’s a work in progress. Something that was highlighted to me tonight about conversation was listening. I met a person who was quite the talker and missed the move from talking to conversation. Sometimes the person you’re talking to isn’t necessarily talking to have a conversation, but to talk. I’ve done that… ask several of my friends. My take on this person though was that he needed to talk. Perhaps it was a result of unease from wandering into a circle of women, perhaps it was a response to a personal need, or perhaps he simply talks too much. But it was a good exercise in listening for this talker. But watch out, I have some pent up talking to do....

I did get out for a 2.5 mile run this morning. I couldn't resist the nice weather and I don't want to fall too far off my running. The run seemed fine, but I think the sand volleyball the night before may not have been the best for my knee. However, this ice bag is great! The best part is I can fill it with some ice, add water, and it's cold and covers the whole knee. Guess it beats frozen corn.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Community Art

This past weekend was the Powderhorn Art Fair, Uptown Art Fair and the Loring Park Art Fair. Since these all occur over the same weekend, I've quit trying to hit them all and really only try to make Powderhorn. My favorite part is the Community Showcase. I enjoy wandering around art fairs and just looking at people's work (or just at people), but frequently I feel purchasing the art is beyond me. Somehow at a local art fair I don't expect to be paying close to a thousand dollars or more for a painting. Frequently that money isn't going into the community either. Perhaps I'm cheap (after all, much of my wall space is decorated with my own art or student art), but I feel the Community Showcase at the Powderhorn Art Fair seems to have reasonable pricing and I know I'm supporting local artists. This year I only walked away with some earrings, but I also had a nice time talking to several local artists.

It has now been a week since my knee swelled up and things seem to be going well -- as far as my knee goes anyway. The lack of running and other exercise hasn't left me feeling quite right. I'm a little more lethargic and less enthusiastic in general. However, I tried out my knee last night by playing racquetball. A sport with a lot of sudden starts and stops is a smart test, right? Well, I'm still doing fine today so it's time to start running again!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Music Minus Meerkats

I made another trip to the zoo to hear music on Friday. This time it was Andrew Bird. I could say a lot of about his guitar, violin, and glockenspiel playing and his singing and whistling, but I have to mention what was missing that evening. The Meerkats. I've become a Meerkat fan since Willy Porter sang about them last summer at a zoo concert.

Five Meerkats were put down after a 9-year-old girl reached into their space and was bitten. The family didn't want the child to go through the rabies treatment so they requested the animals be tested for rabies, meaning they had to be killed. Friday the tests came back negative. Perhaps because I don't have children I side with the Meerkats. Or maybe because I have a soft spot for animals. It could also be the fact that I have a belief in discipline and respect in children (that also could stem from not having children). No matter what it is, I feel it is unfortunate the animals were killed and I hope the child at least knows the repercussions of her actions.

I haven't run since Monday and my knee is improving. I've discovered a bag of frozen corn works quite well for icing.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Big Blue Beast

I ducked over to the Guthrie at noon to pick up tickets for the Great Gatsby. It was my first visit to this big blue beast. I wandered around a bit and I think I like it. I didn't have a lot of time so I can only recount my first impression. It seamed clean, precise and almost stoic. There were a lot of interesting angles and windows around and everything seemed very geometric. My main goal (besides the tickets) during my visit, however, was the "Endless Bridge". The bridge portion wasn't really a bridge, but a big ramp to the 5th floor restaurant. This was a little disappointing, but the outdoor portion is very scenic and calm. I was even only out there with just 3 other people. I could see popping over at noon again just to sit and enjoy the quiet view of the river and the Stone Arch Bridge.

I had no idea there was a National Distance Running Hall of Fame.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Rush Hour

I did the rush hour thing this morning. Knowing I needed to drop my car in Burnsville for service in the morning, I went down to visit friends in Lakeville last night. It was a nice visit and my friends were very accommodating, but the commute this morning was just painful. I live in the city for many reasons, but today the lack of commute is right up there towards the top of the list. Now I'm off to fight traffic to pick up my car. I may have to visit a bar on my return.

My knee is still a bit stiff. I couldn't ice my knee last night because then I would have had to admit to my friends I was staying with that it was sore. Last year when I had knee problems my friend kept telling me the running was bad for me and I shouldn't continue. I think she even said something about me not being young anymore. Now, I appreciate her concern, but I think this was a little extreme of a stance to take on my injury. I can't just stop running. I really do enjoy it. The challenge and drive during long runs and the feeling of accomplishment afterwards are so rewarding. I like having goals to work towards. And the calories burned are a nice bonus.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

State Fruit

Today several new Minnesota laws take effect. So today the Honeycrisp apple becomes the Minnesota state fruit. At least the fruit was developed at the University of Minnesota, but I would have chosen my favorite apple instead. That crisp, tart, unidentified apple from my parents' trees. Minnesota State Fruit: Mom and Dad's Tart.

I'm giving my knee a rest today. It's still a bit sore and stiff. I'm not sure if the pain I experienced yesterday had to do with my knee strap not being on quite right or my compensating for my other knee or hip. Last summer I experienced trouble with my right knee, not my left. I'll try to take care of my knee, but I'll be incredibly disappointed if I have to ease up on the running again.