Saturday, August 05, 2006

Music Minus Meerkats

I made another trip to the zoo to hear music on Friday. This time it was Andrew Bird. I could say a lot of about his guitar, violin, and glockenspiel playing and his singing and whistling, but I have to mention what was missing that evening. The Meerkats. I've become a Meerkat fan since Willy Porter sang about them last summer at a zoo concert.

Five Meerkats were put down after a 9-year-old girl reached into their space and was bitten. The family didn't want the child to go through the rabies treatment so they requested the animals be tested for rabies, meaning they had to be killed. Friday the tests came back negative. Perhaps because I don't have children I side with the Meerkats. Or maybe because I have a soft spot for animals. It could also be the fact that I have a belief in discipline and respect in children (that also could stem from not having children). No matter what it is, I feel it is unfortunate the animals were killed and I hope the child at least knows the repercussions of her actions.

I haven't run since Monday and my knee is improving. I've discovered a bag of frozen corn works quite well for icing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ancient One has been thinking about RR's post for some time...wondering about the appropriate direction for a response. It is one of the rare times the Ancient One has sensed frustration and sadness in RR.

When the Ancient One was a young, the AO's parents clearly stated, "if you get in trouble in school, you will be in twice as much trouble when you get home." The message was will be held accountable. It was a good message that prepared the AO for adulthood...whatever that is.

Sadly, some parents believe they are doing a good thing by protecting their children from consequences. The long term effects of this can lead to a very misguided world view. It is indeed sad that the Meerkat's paid the price of someone else's actions.

The world can be a brutal place.

On the other hand, it can be a very wonderful, amazing place. It is what we make of it.

But, the Ancient One doesn't want to talk about this.

The Ancient One will be in the neighborhood of RR on Wed. afternoon and will drop off the following:

It is cheaper than corn and RR will not need to eat it when she is done icing her knee!

Ancient One

10:52 AM  
Blogger randomrunnings said...

I agree, it is something about not being held accountable that gets me. I really try not to rant, but I guess I have opinions on this one. Isn't it interesting what it is that can trigger people's emotions?

Now... about the corn... I'm growing quite attached to my frozen corn...

10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ancient One didn't get to be ancient by using frozen corn (see The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin for the humor in that comment). The Ancient One has had 3; yes, 3 knee surgeries.

Prior to each, the Ancient One used the invention that will be delievered on Wednesday for icing.

Besides, the Ancient One doesn't like corn.

Ancient One

6:00 AM  

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