Thursday, August 17, 2006

Wrong Turn

I met my neighbor's parents tonight as they passed through Minneapolis on a driving trip. I learned they keep diaries of all their trips and in fact were rereading a diary from a trip back in 1995 on their way here. As they were driving through Wisconsin, my neighbor’s mother, appointed navigator, missed that they were driving north to Canada instead of west to Minnesota because she was engrossed in the 1995 diary. Rather than get upset, she commented that she would be sure and write about the event in this trip's diary. I think it's a wonderful idea to keep this sort of diary so these fun details can be remembered. A blog may not function quite like a diary, but I hope I can occasionally provide something that may cause enough distraction for a wrong turn or two.

I am watching my neices and nephew tomorrow so that may provide enough running for a day or two.


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