Sunday, January 31, 2010

Stopping Traffic


Yesterday morning RF and I donned enough layers to get out and run in the single digit temperatures. It was cold, but I still think last weekend, with the ice, wind and rain, may have been tougher. RF and I had gone to the start of the Securian Frozen 1/2 Marathon to cheer on another friend. We wanted to see him at the start, go for our own run, and come back to see him at the finish. It was so icy that morning, however, that we didn’t think we could reasonably run on the sidewalks, so to at least get out of downtown St. Paul, we decided to run down the road, a tad behind the half marathon runners. Within the first block, we knew we had to get off the course. We likely looked like runners who were just slow getting to the start line so as we trotted down Jackson, the policemen at the intersections stopped traffic. Knowing we weren’t a part of the half marathon, we did feel bad and quickly rerouted. I now at least can say I’ve stopped traffic.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010 Marathon Plan


I’m trying to figure out a marathon plan for this year. RF and I have been considering two marathons: Madison and naturally, Twin Cities. RF is still having some trouble with a running injury and also needs to see if she can swing a weekend trip. I don’t want to travel to Madison on my own, but I’d consider the Minneapolis Marathon on my own. The Madison and Minneapolis are within a week of each other and I need to decide by the start of February.

Then there is the Twin Cities. Part of me wants to continue to do this marathon every year since it was my first (and also second). However, for the past couple years my grandfather and his wife have encouraged me to come to their home and do the Las Vegas Marathon in December. So far I haven’t maintained mileage after the Twin Cities and I’ve also gotten a horrible cold after each one. I’m not sure if I can do two marathons within two months of each other. I do think ideally, however, of all marathons this year, I want to do the Twin Cities and Las Vegas marathon.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Aruba and Bonaire

I’ve been missing from my blog because I was on holiday in Aruba and Bonaire.

I haven’t run for two weeks. I’m feeling very behind and need to get back at it. I got out today, but I didn’t feel like my run did much good. While sidewalks and paths were mostly clear, some were still ice covered and others had that slight melt from foot traffic that makes you feel like you’re running through sand. At least I could try and think about the sandy beaches I just left, even if I didn’t run on them.