Friday, May 13, 2011

Post Marathon, Sans Watch


I did my first post-marathon run last Monday. I had intended to go out Sunday, but it was drizzly and dreary so I went to the gym for a work out instead. I ended up blasting my legs, so I was feeling some extra self-induced soreness Monday. I forgot my watch, but I didn’t want to put off that first run any longer so I took off for what I knew was a 4 mile route after work. After a bit of a hobble to get going, I felt great. Part of it may have been the liberation of not timing myself. I was out to loosen up and get back in the groove again. At the same time, I’m really curious what pace I was running. This is one of the dangers of the Garmin. I know my mileage and I know my pace. If it feels good, I still judge the run against the pace my watch is telling me. I know it is good to occasionally just go out for a run without mileage or time, but so far I’ve only done it when forced to due to forgetfulness.


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