Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Community Art

This past weekend was the Powderhorn Art Fair, Uptown Art Fair and the Loring Park Art Fair. Since these all occur over the same weekend, I've quit trying to hit them all and really only try to make Powderhorn. My favorite part is the Community Showcase. I enjoy wandering around art fairs and just looking at people's work (or just at people), but frequently I feel purchasing the art is beyond me. Somehow at a local art fair I don't expect to be paying close to a thousand dollars or more for a painting. Frequently that money isn't going into the community either. Perhaps I'm cheap (after all, much of my wall space is decorated with my own art or student art), but I feel the Community Showcase at the Powderhorn Art Fair seems to have reasonable pricing and I know I'm supporting local artists. This year I only walked away with some earrings, but I also had a nice time talking to several local artists.

It has now been a week since my knee swelled up and things seem to be going well -- as far as my knee goes anyway. The lack of running and other exercise hasn't left me feeling quite right. I'm a little more lethargic and less enthusiastic in general. However, I tried out my knee last night by playing racquetball. A sport with a lot of sudden starts and stops is a smart test, right? Well, I'm still doing fine today so it's time to start running again!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ancient One says, "welcome back!" A day without a post from RR was empty.....like egg with no yolk. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Seriously, EASY on the knee or you will begin to walk like the Ancient One. Cub scouts try to help me across the street.

5:54 PM  

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