Minnesota Heat
What else is there to talk about but the heat. I live in an older condo with radiant heat so we have no central air. I love the charm of a building built in 1920, but right now I'm fantasizing of either new construction or winter. When I bought my place, the woman sold it with two window units, saying the two could cool the whole place. I'm not sure I believe this, but I've also not tried. I only put one unit in this summer in my bedroom. My logic was that it'd be cost saving and I'm tough enough to handle a warm day or two. Ok, I'm not that tough. Well, at least I discovered the one could cool a third of my place so I have a few doors closed and have about 3 rooms and a hallway cool (-ish) right now. However, this is my evening:
Mmm. South Dakota sweet corn for dinner. Better eat that at the table. Wait... not cooled.
Oh! That documentary my friend loaned me. Would love to watch that tonight. Wait... not cooled.
My computer. Gotta get on my computer. Wait... not cooled. Damn... going to brave it. Think I need another shower.
My run wasn't actually very good tonight, but there is nothing like a few bumps in your personal life for motivation. I went to the gym (considering it is 94° F at 9pm probably explains my not running outside) and ran 5.5 miles. However, now my left knee hurts. It started around 3 miles, but of course I kept going. I'll give it a little ice and hope this doesn't turn into anything.