Monday, July 17, 2006

Loud Art

To beat the heat this past weekend I spent some time at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts. We first headed to the new Target Wing. I couldn’t believe how loud it was. People were standing in the middle of galleries having conversations as if they were standing at a restaurant waiting for a table. At one point while I was viewing a painting, a person next to me started reading the painting’s placard out loud. The museum was fairly busy so I certainly didn’t expect silence, but I was surprised at the voice levels people were using. And it was largely just the Target Wing. In other areas of the museum there were the expected hushed voices. The Target Wing focuses on the MIA’s collection of modern and contemporary art. Could this be an influence on people’s behavior? When the art appears less classic or fragile do people become more at ease or careless?

I've figured out my 10-week training program for the TC 10 mile should start next week. I'll actually be running for 11 weeks, but this way I don't have to worry about missing a long run while I'm in the Boundary Waters in August. I'm going to work out some amalgamation of Hal Higdon’s novice and intermediate 15K training programs. I want to do the long runs of the intermediate program but the weekday runs may look more like the novice.


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