Monday, July 03, 2006

Back In The City

I just got back in town after a few days at a friend's cabin. It was a great time, but I'm not sure I can use the frequently used term get-away to describe it. People have cabins and lake property and often explain it as their retreat and get-away from the city. I'm not aching to get out of the city. In fact, I chose to come back before the 4th so that I could have a day in town before going back to work. I did enjoy sitting out in the sun, riding in a boat and grilling artery clogging food while at the cabin, but I look forward to coffee at my local coffee shop, a beer with friends at a bar, and even some plain people watching in my neighborhood tomorrow. The cabin and friends there were relaxing, fun and certainly entertaining, but a lot of it for me is going where my friends are versus getting away from the city.

It has now been three days since I've gone for a run. I chose to not taking my running shoes this past weekend, knowing that there would probably be a couple late nights and a couple beers too. Well, now its time to put down the beer and pick up the running shoes and I'm looking forward to it.


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