Friday, March 30, 2007

Rough and Surly


Apparently I’m taking it easy this week. I got out for my long run last Saturday and for several reasons didn’t run again until last night. I got in some other exercise, but I really shouldn’t have taken that amount of time between runs. I seem to be paying for it in my stress levels. I find running to be not only a great stress reliever, but needed down time as well. This week my stress seemed to continue to build until I got out for a run. It’s one thing to have rough days, but when you start the next day at the stress point you left off from the day before, it’s a recipe for a rough, surly person. And these aren’t words I usually would equate with myself. (Save for early mornings when I was a teen-ager, but those days are long gone! Really Mom!)

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Cheap Trees

Through a program with Tree Trust, the City of Minneapolis is providing up to 1500 trees to residence through its City Trees program. They are $15 each and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. The deadline to order is April 15th.


Saturday, March 24, 2007

The Merchant of Venice

Thursday night I went to The Merchant of Venice at the Guthrie with my mom and a girlfriend. I really enjoyed the production and found that despite my lack of Shakespeare background (unlike my mom the English major) I understood the play well. My mom pointed out this could have been because the actors did such a good job speaking the Elizabethan English.

Several minor characters were delightfully portrayed and Shylock was wonderful. While The Merchant of Venice is generally classified as a comedy, my mom and friend and I found ourselves discussing the tragedy of the character of Shylock afterwards. While the play was written in an anti-Semantic time and I was prepared to see that, we still felt compassion for Shylock. The play didn’t seem to be written to make Shylock a bad Jewish character, but a character that experienced loss and tragedy. He was portrayed in such a manner that you felt compassion for him.

This is one of my favorite productions of the Guthrie. My mom even pointed out The Merchant of Venice is not one of her favorite Shakespeare plays, but she thoroughly enjoyed it.

I made it around the three main lakes of the Chain of Lakes today for a 10 mile run. I tried to take it easy to be sure I could comfortable complete the run. I was hurting a bit at the end, but I finished fine. The biggest restraint I’ve been experiencing in my long runs is not a high pulse or heavy breathing, but muscle fatigue. My legs are definiately tired and a bit sore after these runs. I obviously have to work them up more, but I wonder if I’m lacking something in my diet to help muscle recovery. I could see that being protein.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Runs Don't Always Feel Good


I had my first disappointing run in quite a while. Although I wanted a run to release stress, I didn’t find myself looking forward to the run itself. Since I didn’t run yesterday, I felt I had to get out. I probably wasn’t in the right mindset and I didn’t find the run that enjoyable. I think as my weekly mileage is increasing I expect all runs to be positive and continually improving. Today proved me wrong and perhaps was a good reality check. I have to realize runs don’t always feel good just because it isn’t as long as my longest run. I’m still not quite sure how I should have approached my run today. It seems when I’m trying to increase my mileage I shouldn’t be skipping runs. I did keep the run short and hope for a better run tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


This Thursday Jodi Hills will be talking at Bachman’s on Lyndale for Girlfriend Night Out At Bachman’s. She is the author and illustrator of “Slap on a Little Lipstick…You’ll Be Fine”. I’m not always good about applying lipstick, but I am a fan of this mantra. There was a time I wouldn’t go in public without makeup. Now there are times when lipstick is enough (granted, usually when I won’t run into people I know) and even a bit of a pick-me-up.

I was up north this weekend (with minimal make-up), but was able to get in a 9-mile run. The change of scenery was refreshing and I even felt good afterwards, especially when I realized my knee wasn’t swelling despite some pain while running. I think my friends I was with for the weekend were more impressed with the number of calories I consumed than the distance I ran though.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Dinosaurs Like Peanuts

This summer 100 painted dinosaurs will grace the sidewalks and business of St. Paul (with 20 of the 100 in Minneapolis), much like the Peanuts gang did a few years ago. This is to celebrate The Science Museum of Minnesota’s 100th anniversary. I imagine part of the motivation is also tourism. According to the Capital City Partnership, the peanuts statues brought more than three million people from all 50 states and 60 countries to St. Paul. Can dinosaurs bring as many people?


Thursday, March 15, 2007



Work has not only kept me from blogging, but it has gotten in the way of my running a bit too. I missed getting out in the beautiful weather Monday, but managed to duck out after work Tuesday (luckily my bowling team had a bye – is bowling cross-training?) Again today I couldn’t get out during the day and had to go to they gym and face a treadmill. This nice weather has brought some quite varied temperatures, however. Tuesday it was over 60, but Monday morning it was just above freezing. And there was an ice patch that found me and resulted in skinned knees. This has prevented me from wearing my knee straps on my last couple runs. I started wearing these about a year and a half ago when I was having knee trouble as they are supposed to help the kneecap track properly. I’m a bit afraid to stop wearing them, but I seem ok so far. I may put them back on once my scrapes have healed.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Fatigued But Pushed


A friend of mine went with me for my run Saturday and we couldn’t have asked for a better day. It was over 40˚F by the time we finished 8 miles. After dodging strollers with wandering kids and extra happy dogs on Lake Harriet, we had a calm run on Minnehaha Creek. My whole run wasn’t calm though. This was my longest run in a while and my legs were definitely fatigued. I let my friend know this and I think he decided to have fun with me. It was around that time he seemed to pick up the pace and then demonstrate how it is always a good idea to give a little kick when passing people. I kept going with him and even was ready to go up the extra hill he suggested that was beyond our route yet in the direction of our post run coffee (ok, actually an orangina rather than coffee). This seems to prove a running partner does motivate me. I also enjoyed the run more despite my fatigue.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Plugged-In Generation

Last night I went to hear John Gordon of MPR’s Future Tense speak at Macalester College as part of MPR’s Broadcast Journalist Series. His talk was “The Plugged –In Generation” and addressed the influence of technology on youth. One of the questions he spoke to was if the amount of technology available to youth hampers their abilities to be social and utilize face-to-face communications. He pointed out this generation has grown up with this technology of email cell phones, text messaging and instant messaging. It isn’t something new they are working into their social abilities, which are perfectly capable. Some friends of mine and I were reminiscing of days before email and wondering how we managed. Text messaging and instant messaging are quickly taking similar roles in our lives. Google Talk has even become a staple in my work environment. I don’t believe this has affected my social abilities (I’m still quite good at chatting in person), but I do have a bit more awareness of technology and how I use it, versus the plugged-in generation. And I’m guessing my parents do even more so. I do still have to get my parents used to instant messaging as a primary means of communication.

It was around 30˚F when I went for a run today. What a difference from the 1˚F wind-chill when I ran Tuesday. The weather has been a little hard to plan for, but I’m sure I’ll be longing for this when it’s in the 80s this summer.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Know Where Your Wallet Is

At noon today I ran to Surdyk’s for their spring wine sale. (I have to mention Mom and Dad are fans of Haskell’s instead.) I quickly found more bottles than I needed so I made my way to the front to pay, thinking I’d be able to keep my lunch break short. As soon as I was rung up I opened my purse and realized I couldn’t pay. Apparently I’d left my wallet at work. The people at Surdyk’s were kind enough to box my order and place it ‘On Hold’ while I ran back for my wallet. I am sort of wondering why it wasn’t until I was paying, versus being carded, that this happened. I’m a little over 21, but I think I still look card-worthy. Years ago it was Surdyk’s that wouldn’t let me purchase alcohol because my friend with me wasn’t 21. Interesting how your perception of being carded changes over the years.


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Non-Motorized Transportation Pilot Program

The Non-Motorized Transportation Pilot Program evaluates how investments in planning, infrastructure, and public education can increase rates of bicycling and walking and reduce driving. The program was established in 2005 from a federal transportation law and provides 4 communities funding to participate, one of which is Minneapolis. The Center for Transportation Studies at the University of Minnesota is leading the overall baseline and bookend studies in the four communities.
The Transit for Livable Communities Board, which is administering the program in Minneapolis, approved funding for two initial projects in January. The first is $150,000 for a pedestrian plan for the City of Minneapolis and the second is $200,000 for bicycle parking in Minneapolis. This is pending the city’s agreement but could provide numerous new bicycle racks throughout Minneapolis.

I’ve usually been impressed with how quickly Minneapolis clears paths and trails after snow storms but I was surprised today that Boom Island had not been cleared yet today, about four days after our last snow storm. I figure running through some packed snow and ice at least worked my muscles a little differently.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

I Made It!


When I couldn’t take the suspense any longer (which was less than 24 hours, in fact, less than 12) I went in search of an email on the TC Marathon website to send off an inquiry about my TC 1 Mile registration. By the end of the day I received a response letting me know I was indeed in the first 600 to register! So I’ll be running the 10 mile at the TC Marathon come October, along with about 5,500 other people.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Did I Make It?


Last night I was up at midnight to register for the TC 1 Mile. The first 600 registrants will get guaranteed entry to the TC 10 Mile during the Twin Cities Marathon and registration opened today, March 1. While patiently hovering on the TC Marathon website I gave the link a try a few minutes early. Registration was open! I quickly entered my information but I took a minute to verify my information. By that time the server was being hammered. I got several ‘server busy’ errors. Finally, by 12:10 am I got the registration confirmation page. I saw my card charged for the fee and an hour later I received an email from the company handling the race charge. However, I still haven’t gotten any confirmation from TC Marathon. A friend of mine registered around 5 am this morning and received an email saying he made the first 600. So, logic says I’m fine (and that I didn't have to be up at midnight). But I won’t feel comfortable that I'll make the 10 mile until I receive confirmation.