Friday, March 09, 2007

Plugged-In Generation

Last night I went to hear John Gordon of MPR’s Future Tense speak at Macalester College as part of MPR’s Broadcast Journalist Series. His talk was “The Plugged –In Generation” and addressed the influence of technology on youth. One of the questions he spoke to was if the amount of technology available to youth hampers their abilities to be social and utilize face-to-face communications. He pointed out this generation has grown up with this technology of email cell phones, text messaging and instant messaging. It isn’t something new they are working into their social abilities, which are perfectly capable. Some friends of mine and I were reminiscing of days before email and wondering how we managed. Text messaging and instant messaging are quickly taking similar roles in our lives. Google Talk has even become a staple in my work environment. I don’t believe this has affected my social abilities (I’m still quite good at chatting in person), but I do have a bit more awareness of technology and how I use it, versus the plugged-in generation. And I’m guessing my parents do even more so. I do still have to get my parents used to instant messaging as a primary means of communication.

It was around 30˚F when I went for a run today. What a difference from the 1˚F wind-chill when I ran Tuesday. The weather has been a little hard to plan for, but I’m sure I’ll be longing for this when it’s in the 80s this summer.


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