Monday, March 12, 2007

Fatigued But Pushed


A friend of mine went with me for my run Saturday and we couldn’t have asked for a better day. It was over 40˚F by the time we finished 8 miles. After dodging strollers with wandering kids and extra happy dogs on Lake Harriet, we had a calm run on Minnehaha Creek. My whole run wasn’t calm though. This was my longest run in a while and my legs were definitely fatigued. I let my friend know this and I think he decided to have fun with me. It was around that time he seemed to pick up the pace and then demonstrate how it is always a good idea to give a little kick when passing people. I kept going with him and even was ready to go up the extra hill he suggested that was beyond our route yet in the direction of our post run coffee (ok, actually an orangina rather than coffee). This seems to prove a running partner does motivate me. I also enjoyed the run more despite my fatigue.


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