Friday, October 24, 2008

Off For Vacation

I’m off to Fiji in the morning. I'll have some photos to share when I return!


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Shoe Is On


I finally was able to put closed-toe shoes on this week and actually donned running shoes today. My toe is still quite sore so I only went for a short run, but within in a few miles I had two very different feelings. As my first run since the marathon, the best I can describe the start of it was like an operator trying to keep a piece of machinery from seizing up. My muscles weren’t tight as much as they were simply immediately constricting with my movement. Yes, I should have stretched more before the run and probably for the week and a half I wasn’t running. I also should have tried to run before now, but the whole inability to comfortably wear a running shoe wasn’t helping. I did loosen up and around the same time I ran into a fellow runner I’ve seen on the trail periodically over the last few years. When he first asked over a year ago if I was running the 2007 marathon I had to answer no. At that point, I found I wanted to run a marathon largely so I could answer yes to that question. It was a desire to have the statement of accomplishment. When I ran into this person today, I was excited to tell him I ran the marathon, but I was more excited to share the experience than state the accomplishment. I’m proud of what I’ve done, but I’m more excited about the whole experience I’ve discovered. Over the last week or so I’ve found myself thinking about the physical and mental feelings I experienced during the marathon and wanting it all over again. I don’t just want to be able to say I finished a marathon. I want to keep running marathons.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fall Flower

A fall flower in my backyard.


Friday, October 10, 2008

My Toe


I finally decided I can’t resist sharing a picture of my toe. This is what my toe looked like Monday afternoon. The pressure was so painful that I went into the doctor and he slit my toe to release the blood blister. The marathon likely made it worse than it would have been, but at least it didn’t cause it. And at least it is after the marathon that it is I can’t put on shoes versus before.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

First Marathon


I think I did a lot of things right leading up to the marathon. RF and I remained focused on our training while enjoying ourselves, I rested up through the week, and I hydrated and ate well. But there is one thing I’ll change for the next one. No cleaning the day before. Last night I dropped something on my left big toe that left me in tears. My mantra through the pain was “it has to be ok”. There was no choice; I was running the marathon today. My toe throbbed through the night and it wasn’t fun putting on my shoe this morning, but at least by mile 9 I couldn’t feel my toe anymore. Part of that may have been mentally getting over the annoying pain, but much of it could have been due to the cold and rain. Down pour might be exaggerating, but it sure felt like it. I think we were rained on for two to three hours. My hands were so sore that I lost most dexterity. We were drenched, but honestly, we were all smiles. Running up Summit we both we just so thrilled to be feeling good (relatively speaking) and finishing a marathon. Our friends and family along the course were amazing support and really made a difference. Even strangers cheering for us pulled us through to a 4:20 finish. I’m thrilled. My toe hurts, is purple and is sure to be missing a toenail soon, but I’m honestly thrilled.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

One Day to Go


I took the afternoon off yesterday and RF and I went for a short run, picked up our race packets and had some pasta at Cossetta’s. This was a great way to relax and we always have a good time together, but the best thing that came of the afternoon was RF’s positive attitude. She’s convinced we’re going to have no problem doing this and in fact, I think she’s convinced of a better than 4:30 finish. I haven’t had a negative attitude towards tomorrows marathon, but since I was young, I’ve always fretted about such things. Talking with RF yesterday settled my nerves and reenergized and excited me. This is new to both of us so the best thing that is going to happen is that we’re going to finish our first marathon. With the number of people supporting us, it has to be a good experience. Some close people to us can’t be at the marathon, but they’ve been incredible supports and are part of what is making this happen. Thanks to everyone who has helped us get here. One day to go!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008



Now that I have all my articles of clothing for the marathon, I’m finding I’m now obsessed with my health. Monday evening I started to feel completely overtired so I was in bed early and had close to 9 hours of sleep. I still woke up yesterday with the tired, watery eyes indicative of an oncoming cold. Throughout the day I not only had the tired eyes, but I had an onset of abdominal pain. If I knew what an ulcer felt like, I’d liken it to that. Despite the discomfort and feeling so tired, I did get out for 4 miles after work. Surprisingly this went well and improved my mood and attitude. I again went to bed early and slept for 8 hours. Waking up this morning was encouraging. I’m not sure I’m 100%, but I believe I’m staving off the cold. Rather than a cold, however, the likely explanation for how I feel is I simply have not gotten enough sleep lately, have run myself down and am now hyper analyzing every sniffle and hiccup from my body. But the abdominal pains are probably due to work.