Sunday, April 29, 2007

First 10k Time


I think this half marathon training has gotten me in pretty good shape and it showed in the 10k yesterday. I’ve never raced a 10k, but even with no reference, I’m happy with yesterday’s results. My legs felt pretty tired at the start and about half way through, the run wasn’t feeling the best. The sun beating down was bothering me too (I really seem to overheat fast). During the run I was a bit disappointed that I had to back off, but I think I didn’t realize I was pushing a pretty quick pace. I ran it in 50:44 for a pace of 8:10 minute miles.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

More Dining Out

It’s another chance to dine out for a cause. Tomorrow, as a part of Dining Out For Life, participating restaurants in the Twin Cities will donate a portion of their proceeds to the Aliveness Project, a local nonprofit organization that provides services to individuals living with HIV/AIDS and their families. Some friends and I opted for a Platnium level (35% of proceeds donated) restaurant and will be heading to Joe’s Garage and their upper deck patio. Now, lets up for a warm evening.

I just signed up for the Get In Gear 10K this weekend. I haven’t raced a 10K before and I feel like I’m still a bit in recovery mode from the half, but I’m excited to be doing another race right away.

Monday, April 23, 2007



In the past I seem to have had an up and down trend with my running. I would train for a race, find myself injured near race time, run the race, and then back off for a few months to recover. I’m finding myself even more excited about running right now because I’ve come out of this race pretty much injury free. I’ve been icing my knee and some things hurt, but it’s nothing like I’ve experienced before. It just feels like I ran a hard race. I even went for a short run today and was surprised to find it felt good. Although the summer heat is a bit of a deterrent for me, today I found myself looking for upcoming races.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Repeat Time


I was worried about the predicted high of upper 70s today but as I drove through a thunderstorm on my way to St Cloud I started to wonder about rain and lightning instead. I had told a friend of mine I’d take the rain over the heat and got my wish. At least it was just rain for about the first 4 miles and the lightning was only on the drive up.

I finished in almost the exact same time as last year. I ran the 13.1 miles in 1:54:18. This is 14 seconds slower, but in the scheme of a half marathon, I’d say it is the same time. Plus, I had to tie my shoe twice. I had secretly hoped to beat last years time, but I don’t think I trained as long this year (I should have started earlier, but Belize was a better alternative). Overall I’m happy but always hope for better. Then again I’m finding I frequently come out of a race thinking I should have done better. I was pretty spent and hurting at the end of this one though.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Eating and Reading

This week you can support both locally owned restaurants and Friends of the Library by eating out. As a part of Twin Cities Restaurant Week, participating TC Originals restaurants will donate to the Friends of the Libraries in Minneapolis or St Paul for every entry card filled out at their restaurant. And each entry is a chance for you to win prizes such as two round trip tickets or Riedel stemware.

Today was my last run before the half marathon. I went for an easy 3 mile run and now plan to rest Thursday and Friday. Due to the nice weather and influence of a variety of friends, I have run every day since my long run Saturday. I look forward to the days off but believe I’ll be ready to go Saturday. Now I just have to figure out my meal plan for the next few days.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


I didn’t realize Auto Body Experience was going to be playing at the Eagles Club, as in the service organization. When I arrived Saturday at the address with a friend of mine I think we were both a little surprised. However, I also left surprised. The sound was great and there was a large turn out. Plus, the inviting dance floor was well used. I’ve never been to one of ABE’s gigs in which so many people danced. Their music definitely makes you tap your toes and move in your seat, but I think people frequently want to sit and listen to the creative and fun lyrics. This time the varied crowd at the Eagle got moving to the music on the dance floor. I always enjoy ABE, but I enjoyed the venue as well.

Thinking I would back off a bit this weekend I just had a goal of a 10 mile run. However, the nice weather and my friends had a different influence on me. Saturday I went for the 10 miles with a friend of mine that also suggested we go for a bike ride afterwards. I was a little disappointed in the run because it wore me out. Considering I expect to run 13.1 next weekend, I would think 10 should be somewhat easy. After our run we did hop on our bikes for close to a 20 mile ride (with a stop for lunch) and I was spent at the end. Knowing I was still able to bike after our run does reinstate some confidence towards the half marathon next weekend. Today another friend phoned me looking for a run and I figured an easy, short run would loosen me up. We went for about 2.5 miles and then it seemed like a good idea to run hills. It was rough, but it went well and felt good. Perhaps I’m more ready than I thought.

Friday, April 13, 2007


This week has been a bit of a music week. Tuesday I saw JJ Grey and MOFRO at the Varsity and Wednesday I went to see Lucinda Williams at the State Theatre. Tonight, however, I hope to see a favorite local band: Auto Body Experience. Be sure and check out my friend Kent’s bio.

The half marathon is about a week away. I’ve tried to get out several days this week for runs to make sure my weekly mileage is up, but I only plan on 10 miles tomorrow. I’ve also been trying to increase my water intake while having a little less coffee. I’m not quite ready to completely cut out coffee.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007



After some Aleve and ice, my hip and knee started to feel better yesterday. Today I went for a 4 mile run and apart from some leg fatigue, things felt good. A friend of mine thought he’d have to shoot me to put me out of my misery on Saturday but today conceded I may still be young enough that my body can still heal quickly. He also may just be trying to be encouraging as the half marathon approaches.

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Barge Race

Apparently there is a race for the first barge to reach St Paul at the start of the Mississippi shipping season. On March 29th the MV Cooperative Venture passed the MV Coral Dawn and was expected to be the first boat to reach St Paul. Pushing 12 barges, was it an intense, nail-biting change in the lead? I wonder if they can quietly come up from behind?

I ran 12 miles today. Here are 12 thoughts as the run progressed:
1. Beforehand: It’s cold out (wind chill around 18˚F). I’m a little unsure about getting out
2. Starting out: Ok, its not so bad. This is going to be good.
3. Along Minnehaha Parkway: This is such a great route!
4. Still along Minnehaha: Wow, I feel pretty good. I’m not pushing it too hard, but it’s an enjoyable run.
5. Around Lake Nokomis: Oh my gosh that wind is nasty. I’m nuts.
6. Back to Minnehaha: Ok, I’m off the lake, not so bad. I can do this fine.
7. Heading back along Minnehaha: What is that pain? My left hip? That’s nastier than the wind.
8. Paused at a stop light: Am I ready for this distance? Wow do my
hip and knee hurt.
9. A few miles left: Ok, this hurts, but I can do it.
10. On Lake Harriet: That wind is nasty. I’m nuts.
11. Finished: I need to walk, but not so bad! I made 12!
12. Sitting at home blogging, with ice on my knee: This is good. It took until a 12 mile run for my knee to need ice.

Monday, April 02, 2007



Saturday I ran the Rear In Gear 5k with some coworkers. The race did not feel good. However, when I finished I partly realized why. I had achieved a personal record. No wonder it didn’t feel good -- I ran 7:40 miles for a time of 23:47. The two friends I ran with certainly pushed me and I owe them some thanks even though I wasn’t feeling as thrilled with them during the run.