Wednesday, April 29, 2009

No Break Up


I’ve decided not to break up with running. My sister has started running and having her come to me for advice has made me think about my experiences running. Seeing her get into it is re-exciting me. Maybe re-exciting is overstating, but it does remind me of the little pleasures I can find in running. My runs still aren’t feeling the best, I still think I’m slow and I’m still struggling, but I want to keep encouraging my sister and therefore need to encourage myself.

Sunday, April 26, 2009



I did at least end up signing up for the Get In Gear 10K. It’s probably good I did not try the half because I’m not very excited my run. I ran the 10K in 53:34. This isn’t very speedy and even reaching that time wasn’t very easy. I feel like lately runs are harder and I’m just getting slower. I’m not achieving anything and am just losing ground. I’ve been thinking of the New Balance Love/Hate commercial that mentions breaking up with running. Although the man on the bench is thinking running is looking good after breaking up with it, I’m at the point of thinking about the break up.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Reality Check


I won’t say my enthusiasm Sunday for another half this weekend was unfounded, but I had a reality check yesterday. I tried to go for a run. It was after a pretty intense workout at the gym, but I had to accept a mile was all that was reasonable. My legs were so incredibly tired. Part of it was the workout I’d just finished, but I was also reminded of what a challenge the half was on Saturday. I may have felt good in my recovery, but it doesn’t mean I’m not a bit taxed. I’m not sure the half this weekend is the most responsible choice.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Happy and Humbled

It was a fairly last minute decision, but I went to the Barber of Seville last night. A season-ticket holding co-worker encouraged me to go after seeing it and considering this production is retiring, I decided to spring for a ticket and not chance rush. And there were indeed few seat choices. The production was entertaining and relaxed but without any degradation to the music. I’ve still only seen a few operas, but it seemed like a production any non-aficionado could enjoy.

Yesterday’s half was my slowest at 2:06. Considering I wasn’t completely prepared for it, I’m okay with the time. I had moments of wondering how I’d get through the 13.1, so 2:06 really isn’t all that bad! Mile 10 to 11 was the worst. Telling myself I could have a brief reprieve at 11 was what got me to the mile marker. For the first time I walked for a stint during a half marathon. RF and I did walk through some water stops to briefly drink water, but mile 11 wasn’t a water stop. I really didn’t walk long, but it did make the last two miles more than manageable. I feel like experience is what helped me run a half I wasn’t fully prepared for, but it was also humbling. Even if I’ve done multiple halves and now a marathon, distances aren’t always going to be easy. The good news is my knee is actually better than it was mid week. I don’t quite understand how I didn’t end up swollen yesterday but even today my knee is feeling normal. In fact, it’ll be another challenge, but I’m entertaining another half this weekend.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009



It’s a reoccurring theme on my blog and unfortunately it’s here again: a swollen knee. I don’t think it was the weekend run, but maybe what followed. I did 5 miles Monday evening and then a workout at the gym Tuesday morning that involved some pressure on my knee. I also remember feeling a bit of a tweak Monday morning as I stretched, resisting getting out of bed. I do hope my knee isn’t that sensitive though. I’ve been icing the last few nights and stayed off it today. It’s been so nice out I hope to at least do a couple miles tomorrow but I also want to do what it takes to feel confident for Saturday’s half and it may mean not running again.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Less Worried


I regained some confidence today. Well, I was first forced to gain a bit yesterday when a close friend of mine told me off for worrying about being able to run a half! But today RF and I did 10 and even though it was far from effortless, I think I can push through three more next weekend. I fully expect my slowest time, but it’ll be good to run for the enjoyment of it.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009



I’m starting to worry about the half next weekend. I didn’t get in a lot of mileage last weekend (or the previous two weeks!) but with a new focus I was sure I could get on track. But instead, I haven’t run this week. I’ve been ill and it was the kind that pretty much drained me of all nutrients in my body. I thought I had recovered and tried to work out yesterday, but I couldn’t even jump rope 50 times without my body complaining and actually refusing. I can’t believe how different I feel today, but in an effort to fully recover, I again didn’t run. I told a friend of mine I was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to comfortably finish next weekend and her response was I needed to give myself credit and I’m in shape enough to relax, run and have fun. Sounds like a good idea, but I'm still nervous.

Sunday, April 05, 2009

Home from Australia and New Zealand

The landscape of New Zealand was beautiful.
As were the Hunter Valley vineyards in Australia.
My run across the Sydney Harbour Bridge was my only run on vacation. I know I was at a good place before leaving for vacation, so I still think the Earth Day will be no problem, but it likely won’t be near a PR. Saturday RF and I went for about a 7 mile run and it wasn’t exactly easy. Part of it I believe is just getting back into it and part is jet lag, but it has motivated me to get going again.