Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rough Run


This weekend’s run was so different that last weekend. Last weekend I ran on my own and was feeling so good I added an extra mile to make 12 miles. This weekend RF and I ran and joined up with another friend after about three miles and ran our scheduled 12. It was beautiful out both weekends, but our course was more challenging (ie Hills!) and I had a much tougher time today. At the end of our run I realized the issue was likely hydration. I haven’t gotten into a mindset yet where I’m conscious of my hydration the day before or even throughout the week. I have to realize I’m in training. I still made it through our run but wish I had enjoyed it as much as I did last weekend. The good news is we gave a few of the nasty hills that will be in the marathon a good trial run.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


The unfortunate spring tradition of potholes seems to have begun early. Do you have a pothole to share? MPR can help you plot it.


Monday, February 08, 2010

Starting Mileage


I did sign up for the Minneapolis Marathon and training is under way. Last weekend RF and I nicely made 9 miles, but none too quick. The snow is still causing some slow down and the temperature is still on the unfriendly side. All considered, I’m not worried about pace yet. I am a bit unsettled about mileage. I realized the previous two marathons RF and I had come off half marathons and were already at a comfortable mileage such that we were building off of 13 mile long runs. We’re right on pace with an 18 week training program, but I just feel like we’re starting with a bit more of a challenge. My positive twist on this is perhaps this will keep me from getting burned out and keep my body fresh.

Monday, February 01, 2010



Yesterday I realized this week is 18 weeks out from a June 6th marathon. Today I realized the Twin Cities registration opens tomorrow and the price goes up for the Minneapolis Marathon Thursday. Time to figure this out. I have the feeling what is going to pan out is the Minneapolis and Twin Cities. As I was looking at the course for the Minneapolis this evening, however, I suddenly started to feel some apprehension. I feel I’ve been successful in two marathons, but a new course is a little daunting. I know how mile 22 feels on Summit, but I have no idea how mile 22 would feel on West River Parkway. I know the Twin Cities Marathon crowd is a great motivator, but I expect Minneapolis doesn’t compare. The Minneapolis would be a new challenge in several ways it looks like. I have to get over the nervousness and dive in. Maybe by Thursday.