Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Minneapolis Marathon


The Minneapolis Marathon was definitely a different experience than the Twin Cities Marathon. First, I ran a 4:37 and I’m happy with it, even at 20 minutes off my previous marathons. It was warm and it was not an easy course. I also felt amazingly good the day after. My muscles were sore, but I was walking normal. While my pace was off, I believe I really am in good marathon shape if I’m functioning and ready to run again two days later. Of course, I won’t quite yet. The other difference I found was the last 6 miles. In the Twin Cities, the final stretch is filled with spectators. The Minneapolis has plenty of bare spots, making it easier to pause for a walk. I’m sure I’ll never run a full 26.2 without a walk, but I think this one added up to a bit more. Again, this strategy seems to have given me a great recovery though. Finally, the Minneapolis Marathon was smaller and easier to take in as just another run. There was under a quarter of the runners that are in the Twin Cities, fewer spectators, and less hype. As much as I thought a few times during the run that I’m not interested in running the Minneapolis Marathon again, I have to admit, a couple days later it has an appeal as something to just… do.

Thursday, June 03, 2010



I haven’t decided how to answer when asked the inevitable question, Are you ready for the marathon? It is fast approaching and I plan to run it, with or without my bundle of nerves and slightly sore foot, so I want to answer “I guess I better be ready”. There is no last minute studying or cramming, unless water, carbs and protein count and I’ve got a good start on those this week. I’ve done my training runs. Some have gone well, some have not, but I’ve completed each one. I stuck closer to an interval training program this time and am confident they’ve been a good addition. I’ve run the 35W and Franklin hills on river road more times than I ever have or really want to. I haven’t run the 35W hill after 25 miles, but I may as well save that for a one-time experience. I’ve done one final set of intervals and a short 3 miler this week. No more running until Sunday. I’ve worn my favorite clothing for all my major runs and already have them set out for Sunday. I’ve pretty much planed my meals from now through Saturday. RF and I are just ironing out the details of picking up our packets and getting to the start line. I guess I can say “Yes, I’m ready”.