Tuesday, January 19, 2010

2010 Marathon Plan


I’m trying to figure out a marathon plan for this year. RF and I have been considering two marathons: Madison and naturally, Twin Cities. RF is still having some trouble with a running injury and also needs to see if she can swing a weekend trip. I don’t want to travel to Madison on my own, but I’d consider the Minneapolis Marathon on my own. The Madison and Minneapolis are within a week of each other and I need to decide by the start of February.

Then there is the Twin Cities. Part of me wants to continue to do this marathon every year since it was my first (and also second). However, for the past couple years my grandfather and his wife have encouraged me to come to their home and do the Las Vegas Marathon in December. So far I haven’t maintained mileage after the Twin Cities and I’ve also gotten a horrible cold after each one. I’m not sure if I can do two marathons within two months of each other. I do think ideally, however, of all marathons this year, I want to do the Twin Cities and Las Vegas marathon.


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