Things I’m obsessing about this week before the marathon
- Did we do our 20 miler too long ago?
- I love cool weather but this week is the first I’ve run in it in about 6 months. Have I adjusted?
- Which socks am I going to wear? The ones I’ve been wearing for my long runs are more for warm weather.
- Do I consider wearing tights? I think I have answered that one. Probably not.
- My knee isn’t swollen, but it has randomly given out on me several times lately. How will it handle Sunday?
- Will I have to stop at the satellites?
- Will I be able to get enough hydration? If I put a Nuun in my water bottle right away, this will be much earlier than any of my long runs, but I don’t think I can refill my water bottle.
- Will Sunday be a good day for asthma? Is the steroid inhaler I started on this summer helping as much as I hope it is?
- Does RF still think we can run the marathon 20 minutes faster this year?