Sunday, October 28, 2007

Run Further


This weekend I had one of my best runs. I finished what I think was close to a 13 mile run, ready to run further. I’ve never run a distance longer than a half marathon. Perhaps it was the great weather of slightly overcast and 52°F or perhaps I was just wrapped up in a runner’s high. I won’t try for it before the race, and chances are I’ll decide on some down time after the race, but right now I want to see if I can run further.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Dreaming of Big Sur


I’ve started to dream about the upcoming Big Sur Half Marathon. Last night I dreamed I was running the race and finished it thinking it was easier than I thought it would be. I was at the finish trying to figure out what my chip time was. I had my time from when the gun went off, but I couldn’t find out my chip time, or the time from when I actually crossed the start to the time I crossed the finish. I think this dream stemmed not only from thinking a lot about the race, but because I recently found some information that leads me to believe the course may not be as hilly as I think. I had also told myself I would not run for time considering this unknown challenge. From this dream it looks like I’m having a hard time telling myself not to worry about time.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Spoonbridge for Stanley

I was taking photos for Flat Stanley for my nephew and thought I'd share this one of the Spoonbridge and Cherry.

I hit 12 miles on my run yesterday. I have two more long training runs before the half marathon and I feel pretty good about it. I’m still searching for more hills though.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Runner's Toes


While getting ready for a wedding last weekend, I finally redid my toenail polish. Yes, even though wearing closed toed shoes, it is very important to have fresh toenail polish when there is a chance of running into people you haven’t seen for a few years. When I took off the old polish, I discovered why one of my toes seems to hurt once in a while. I have one black and blue toe on my right foot. This is now in addition to a purple pinkie toe on my other foot. Runner’s toes. Attractive.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Captured Enjoyment


Friends of mine came out to the 10 mile with their cameras. Thanks to Sopheava for capturing photos that show my enjoyment of running! After a tough race, it’s good to be reminded.

Monday, October 08, 2007

October Heat


The 10 mile yesterday may have been one of the hardest races I’ve run. I know I’m in shape and able to run 10 miles, but I didn’t expect to run it in around 80% humidity and 72 degree heat. At 7:10 in the morning even. I ran it in 1:31:17, several minutes off what I’d hoped for. Two miles in, if not earlier, I adjusted my expectations. I’m not good at running in the heat and when I was already dripping in sweat and feeling like a bit wobbly at 5 miles, I knew the challenge was to finish standing instead of finish with a personal record. Knowing the physical and mental challenge the weather presented yesterday, I feel it was an accomplishment and am ok with my time.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Getting Sleep


Last night I slept for 11 hours and 9 the night before. I’m hoping with another at least 8 hours tonight I’ll feel good enough for the 10-mile at 7:10 tomorrow morning. I’ve either worn myself down again or I’m coming down with something. Either way, it’s horrible timing. I’ll be able to run tomorrow, but I’m disappointed I’m not feeling 100%.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Check the Weather


After dressing for a run around 11am a friend running with us today looked out the window and asked if anyone actually checked the weather. It was raining, but we decided to go out for a brief run and do hills in the parking ramp anyway. As we ran in the rain I stated we were just being dedicated. My friend pointed out that actually it was more a punishment for not running yesterday when having a race in five days.