Monday, January 22, 2007

New Experiences

This past weekend provided me with a few new experiences. The first was breathing underwater. I took a scuba course so I can finish certification on my upcoming trip to Belize. I found controlling buoyancy simply with breathing fascinating. Considering the fun I had just in the pool, I can’t wait until the open water dives. That will probably be as early as Friday or Saturday!

The second experience was eating bone marrow. Friends of mine made a wonderful dinner of goat. I’ve eaten goat before, but I learned the art of eating marrow. Sucking on a bone until the innards come out may not be the most dignified, but it provided quite a tasty result.

When I bought my shoes I seemed to notice a stiff spot on the side of the shoe. I wasn’t sure how this would feel while running, but since I’d already been through 3 pair of the same brand, I still bought them. A friend of mine who is an avid runner told me to stop thinking about it and just get out and run. He was right. I took the shoes to the gym for a run this weekend and I didn’t notice a thing, except that they felt better than my worn out shoes.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ancient One has been a diver for years. I see we have common ground for discussion.

Be safe. Breathe and move slowly and relaxed. It conserves air. And you can extend your bottom time significantly.

In Minnesota, always wear a complete wet suit. It's COLD down there.

Ancient One.

4:22 PM  

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