Sunday, June 21, 2009

Harmony in the Garden

I love that Minneapolis can bring close to 10,000 to an outdoor concert on a museum lawn and that that audience can wrap up the show singing in four part harmony with The Decembrists. Kind of like not being able to play in the game without being in school for that day, part of the reason I got out for Saturday’s run despite not feeling well was so I could go to Rock the Garden guilt free. It was worth venturing out with the sore throat.

I had a rather disappointing run Saturday. I only made 8 miles and even had a rest in the middle. RF and I were going to run up Summit and back for 10 miles. I made it 4 and waited at the water fountain as RF went to the turn around came back. I wasn’t feeling the best and a visit to Urgent Care today confirmed a sinus infection. However, I think I saw the doctor mentally roll his eyes when he asked what symptoms were bothering me the most and I responded it was the fact that it was getting in the way of my marathon training.


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