Saturday, July 07, 2007


Last week I went to 1776 at the Guthrie. I knew it had to do with the Declaration of Independence and that it was a musical. But that’s about it. I didn’t know it would also be filled with humor and speckled with insight. It was also more a smattering of songs within a play than a fully sung musical. I’m a fan of male voices, so I really enjoyed the music and I felt it was a good balance of dialog and song. The characters were distinctly portrayed, providing the audience with a feeling of intimacy with these historical characters. Overall, I enjoyed the production and left a bit more educated yet curious about the history of the Declaration of Independence.

The weather has forced me to get into running in the mornings. Our group at work has shifted from running at noon to meeting in the mornings. As I’ve said before, I wasn’t always a fan of running with people, but this group has been good motivation, especially in the heat. Sometimes people back out, including me, but I’ve also occasionally found myself getting up and running even when the group cancels. I then appreciate the time alone, yet look forward to running with others again.


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