Friday, June 08, 2007

G8 Critical Mass

I seem to have hit a bit of a low on my postings. I didn’t realize I have had nothing to say on RR for a week. It isn’t a case of lack of things to say (in fact, I seem to throw people off when I’m quiet), but just a lack of time. I’m not sure I’ll have time for this since I leave for a weekend work trip early Saturday morning, but tomorrow there is a G8 Critical Mass in Minneapolis. I’ve never participated in a Critical Mass, but the intention tomorrow is to coincide with the International Day Of Action against Climate Change. I’m not quite one for “rebellion, revolt and revolution” as the Rising Tide suggests, but a group of cyclists with a purpose could at least create a stir.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you sure we didn't go to one? For awhile the downtown couriers were making a monthly one.

There was a really big one a few years ago when they closed Nicollet Ave.

It used to be a big deal to get your bike registered before you went. If any critical mass gets big enough that the police get involved they have been known to stop everyone and they would confiscate any bike without a current sticker.

Those bikes would then get sold at auction.

The state registration of bikes looks like it got repealed in 2005 though so no idea now.

Probably just describe you as a bicycle terrorist and throw you in jail.

6:37 PM  

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